Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wonderful weekend

A weekend full of wonderful treats - I was so spoilt by my darling friend, Leah. Gosh I am so lucky. Lots of laughter, shopping, crochet, jewellery making, cafes (Martha's Pantry was a real highlight) and of course, lots of talking!

I found some fabulous goodies on our op shop trips - including the perfect dress, and I was lucky to get a wonderful kitch tray for the caravan - made from a 70's puzzle - at a craft show (The Knack).

I also had a real treat with driving Leah's classic car - I can't believe she let me. It is the cutest bright yellow Fiat Bambina, and I must have looked a right sight grinding the gears and giggling until tears streamed down my face!

We had fun comparing our ripple blankets...

And we made some great new rings and necklaces. I've got some further supplies and have been busy making a few more goodies for Birthday and Christmas pressies. 

It's a busy time of year still, I'm not getting much time in front of the computer for fun, it's all work work work unfortunately. So I am here, but not posting much.

Roll on Christmas!!

Have a great week

Kylie xxxx


Leah said...

What a fabulous photo montage hon! It was the most amazing weekend - wish we could do it more often. Love the car pics - if I was wearing black we'd look like twins!!! L xxxx

Crochet with Raymond said...

Hello Kylie! Lovely to read your comment today and come and meet your blog! I'm popping down to the arts and crafts market tomorrow, I wonder if you have a stall there to sell your lovely things! I'm hoping to meet some lovely knitters and crocheters there :OD
your ripples are both gorgeous XXX