Christmas Cake day today. I always make mine on Labour Weekend, just the right distance from Xmas for the cake to get properly sozzled in Brandy.
Fruit has been soaking for two nights, now mix the other ingredients and get it baking. Yummmmm.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Where has the nice weather gone?
We got tricked into thinking summer was on its way - luckily we held off on planting those tender vege seedlings as its freezing today.
But we have *procured* a whole lot of plants from Mum and Dads before they shift house so lots of gap filling going on today.
Made some detangling spray and lip balm for the girls today so that should keep them happy. No baking though - that will be Wednesday afternoons aim....
Friday, October 8, 2010
Full Bloom
Our Macadamias are in full flower at the moment, that reminds me that I must get round to cracking some of last years lot ;) Looks like we will have a bumper crop this year.
A favourite of mine this spring is Florence Fennel. We'd never grown (or eaten it before) but The Chief wanted to give it a go. What a huge success it is!! Risottos, Fennel and Orange salads, Chicken, Fennel and Kumara bake to name a few. This is to become a regular in the vege patch.
Natural remedies day
Only one child home so it's a little more peaceful ie not having to stop sibling rivalry all day, so I'm taking the chance to make a few homemade products today.
Firstly liquid soap - I use the dregs of my lovely non chemical soap made by a lady that lives not far from me, Linda, and add water boil it up, then add glycerine. Since I've been doing that I have no more problems with Dermatitis on my hands.
Secondly Bug Repellent - Clara has pretty big reactions to insect bites, and I'm not into using DEET based products (too nasty) so I thought I'd try a few home remedies. This one contains Witchhazel, Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Essential oil in a spray bottle. Trying it on my skin to see how it goes first. Smells nice anyway.
Hmmm what to make next?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I just LOVE the colours in this Silverbeet. Think I'll chop some up and add it to the Bolognese or Lasanga tonight.
Tea and Cake anyone?
I've just made my famous Spiced Apple Cake (I am truely sorry to the original owner of this recipe as I can't for the life of me remember who it was - but I have claimed it as my own for now ;) ) This one sunk a little in the middle, but the taste excuses all baking crimes.
Loving my grandmothers' Aunt Daisy's Book of Hints that I'm flicking through again. It even has pieces of paper in it where Nan has handwritten some of her notes.... Sentimental much?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Well, lets get started here
Spring has sprung on our block - I'm blown away (like I am every year) of just how quickly the garden has taken off. An explosion of greenery and blossoms. My favourite at this time of year has to be the Borage popping up everywhere. It's pretty, it attracts the bees and best of all it's edible (flowers taste little like cucumber) and the leaves can be added to salads and used in soup. The flowers are fantastic in ice cubes for those summertime afternoon pick-me-ups (hic...)
Another favourite is the Wisteria, which I would dearly love to grow around the pergola but The Chief isn't keen on that idea (something about lifting up the plastic roofing blah blah ;) )
But it's just so "purdy" ..... I'll work on that one.
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